论文《Multi-Agent Incentive Communication via Decentralized Teammate Modeling》来自 AAAI 2022。这篇论文提出多智能体激励通信(Multi-Agent Incentive Communication,MAIC),整体框架如下。整体上采用 QIX 框架,通信结构主要加在局部Q 网络上,额外加入队友建模(Teammate Modeling)和信息生成(Message Generator)两个模块。
论文分享:Multi-Agent Incentive Communication via Decentralized Teammate Modeling 强化学习实验室 官网:http://rl.beiyang.ren46 人赞同了该文章 本文是发表在AAAI-2022的一篇多智能体通讯的文章,本文声称为了实现高效和类人的团队合作,研究了一种新的通信方案,该方案允许agent交换有说服力的消息以明确地协调...
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This is the implementation of the paper "Multi-Agent Incentive Communication via Decentralized Teammate Modeling". This repo is currently maintained by theLAMDA-RLgroup. Note: the experiments of MAIC is conducted in SC2., which is same as the SMAC run data release (https://github...
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