Technologically enabled multi- agency working in health and social care. New Technology, Work and Employment, 25, 1, pp. 19- 33.Baines, S., Wilson, R. and Walsh, S. 2010. Seeing the full picture? Technologically enabled multi-agency working in health and social care. New Technology, ...
Students taking programmes of study leading to registration as a nurse or other health and social care professional, must be assessed in practice to ensure that they are competent in a range of skills. As practice placements become more difficult to source, the use of inter-professional assessment...
by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research programme (RP-PG-1214-20009). The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. ...
The present study examines the relationships between the psychosocial condition among most children at risk in residential care settings (RCS) in Israel, and a number of variables that characterize the children, their families, and the RCSs. The study is based on data reported annually by social...
(staff consult either from home or from a small side office in the community trust building), is physically located in a low-rise building on the industrial outskirts of a large town, sharing office space with various community-based health and social care services. Following a 1-h telephone...
Child health indicators have substantially improved across the last decade, yet Afghanistan has among the highest child stunting and malnutrition rates in Asia. Multisectoral approaches were recently introduced but evidence for this approach to improve s
要健全多层次社会保障体系,推动参保扩面,加大社会救助、医疗救助、低保和困难家庭保障扶持措施,发展养老事业和养老产业。It is important to improve the multi-tiered social security system, ramp up social and medical assistance, increase support for households receiving subsistence allowances or in difficulties,...
‘excellence in play’; ‘excellence in agency’; ‘inner peace’; ‘relatedness’ with friends, family or a partner; being part of a ‘community’; ‘spirituality’ (seeking purpose and meaning in life); ‘pleasure’; and ‘creativity’ (Purvis, 2010; Purvis et al., 2014; Ward, 2002a...
The infliction of war and military aggression upon children must be considered a violation of their basic human rights and can have a persistent impact on their physical and mental health and well-being, with long-term consequences for their development. Given the recent events in Ukraine with mi...
rate of ca. 20%. The leader-follower dyads (N = 209) stemmed from a variety of sectors: The largest percentages worked in the wholesale and retail industry (13.9%), the service industry (12%), the IT/electronic sector (7.2%), and for a government agency, court or ministry (6.7...