Download Anypoint Code Builder and Studio for advanced integration solutions. Develop and deploy Mule applications with ease. Find the perfect tool here!
Product Selection:Anypoint Code Builder and MuleAnypoint Studio and MuleMule Standalone Select Version...LatestPrevious *Please, use a valid email. We'll send the download link to the provided address. IndustryAgriculture & MiningManufacturing, Automotive & EnergyEducationEngineering, Construction, & ...
其次,解压到指定路径:D:\mule 接着配置环境变量: 在系统变量中新建MULE_HOME变量,值为安装路径D:\mule 在系统变量Path中添加mule路径:%MULE_HOME%\bin 验证是否配置成功:打开cmd 输入mule 参考网站: MuleESB实例 下载AnypointStudio开发工具 此工具和eclipse比较像,就是...
Anypoint Platform - To deploy our first Mule Application, we are going to need an Anypoint Platform account to host our application on CloudHub. You can sign up for a free trial account here. Anypoint Studio - Click the button below to download Anypoint Studio (MuleSoft’s IDE!). Anypo...
官方的 anypoint studio 是基于ecsplise 开发的 我们idea 切勿升级Idea2023.3.1以后 最后个自持到3.9.0插件的版本是2023.2.5 基于运行时3.9.0 如果是4 使用官方插件 安装插件 mule-esb-plugin-for-intellij RAML Plugin For IntelliJ DataWeave Plugin for IntelliJ ...
DownloadAnypoint Studio, which includes the Mule Runtime. Choose the version of Studio compatible with your operating system: Windows, Mac, or Linux. Unzip the downloaded file to a directory on a hard drive located on your host machine. TheAnypoint Studiofolder or directory appears when the un...
一、AnypointStudio IDE环境的安装 1.安装jdk1.8以上 2.MuleESB分为社区版和企业版,两者的区别如下: 3.mule esb的开发,主要是在AnypointStudio IDE环境下开发的,所以首先需要下载一个AnypointStudio IDE,本文下载的是6.6.4版本。安装过程和eclipse一样。
Download Anypoint Studio: 官方代码示例: 用户手册: A...
Download, then unzip Mule – either the Standalone version (Mule runtime engine) or Anypoint Studio (the runtime engine + the Eclipse-based graphical IDE) – Confirm that you have aJDKon your local drive, Java SE 8 Update 152. ...
上篇博文我们简单的介绍了什么是ESB,教给了大家如何下载和安装了Studio。假设在学习本教程之前,假设您已经下载、安装并启动了Anypoint Studio。...Studio有两种编辑方式可以确保你在图形界面中添加或更改的操作反映在XML配置文件中。(使用下面的选项卡来查看应用程序的