Mulan's tale unfolds in a time of war, when the Emperor of China issued a decree demanding one man from each family to join the Imperial Army. Faced with the grim reality of her aging father's impending conscription, Mulan, a young woman, makes a life-altering decision...
The Emperor of China: No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it. Shan-Yu: Then you will kneel in *pieces*! Helpful•23 0 Mulan: Shang! Shang: Mulan? Mulan: The Huns are alive! They're in the city! Shang: You don't belong here, Mulan. Go home. Mulan: Sh...
with Gong Li as a powerful and dangerous witch, Donnie Yen as an army commander, and Jet Li as the emperor of China. The cast of the movie, including Liu, Li, Yen, and other stars, such as Christina Aguilera who has recorded two songs for the film, attended the world...
the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders, Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of an honored warrior, steps in to take the place of her ailing father. Masquerading as a man, Hua Jun, she is ...
What? What do you mean you're not lucky? You lied to me?复制 Mushu:复制 [to Mulan's horse] And what are you, a sheep?复制 The Emperor of China:复制 The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.复制 展开...
When the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders, Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of an honored warrior, steps in to take the place of her ailing father. Masquer
When the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders, Hua Mulan
1. “Your belief in love wasn’t strong enough to overcome your fear of rejection.”– Mulan 2. “Loyal, brave, and true.”– Mulan 3. “A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.”– The Emperor of China ...
the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders, Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of an honored warrior, steps in to take the place of her ailing father. Masquerading as a man, Hua Jun, she is ...
The Emperor of China has decreed that one man from every household must serve in the Imperial Army to protect the kingdom from the Northern invaders. But, elderly Hua Zhou (Tzi Ma) has only his daughter so he must serve in the army himself. His eldest daughter (Liu Yitei), though, ha...