Mulan Mulan is a 1998 American animated musical adventure film produced for Walt Disney Pictures by Walt Disney Feature Animation. It is the 36th Disney animated feature film and the ninth animated picture created and released during the Disney Renaissance. It is based on the Chinese mythology of ...
Mulan Walt Disney Pictures will release Mulan, a fantasy action drama, in the United States in 2020. Directed By: Niki Caro Starring:Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Tzi Ma, Jason Scott Lee, Yoson An, Ron Yuan, Gong Li, and Jet Li Revenue:$70 million Synopsis: A courageous young woman assumes ...
Disney's "Mulan" - New Footage Sneak Peek a new TV spot supporting the live-action feature "Mulan", directed by Niki Caro, based on the Chinese legend of 'Hua Mulan', starring Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Jason Scott Lee, Yoson An, Gong Li and Jet Li, opening March 27, 2020:"...'...
Mushu is my favorite character/ dragon in this movie! I also love the ending song “True to your Heart”! Jun 20, 2024 Amazing. Was put together perfectly Noe G Apr 12, 2024 Mulan is an amazing Disney film from 1998 I give this film a 10/10 Michael B Mar 23, 2024 ...
Disney Li Shang won't be in the live-action version of the film. Fans of the original 1998 animated film may be disappointed to learn that the character Li Shang, who is Mulan's commanding officer and love interest in the cartoon, won't appear in the live-action adaptation of ...
(here it's the Mongolian Horde, ancient China's consistent historical adversary) have such little character depth -- not to mention humanity. I know Disney films paint the world in simplistic shades of good and evil, but good golly... the Mongolians are depicted here as a collective race ...
Yifei Liu is a force in 'Mulan' Credit: Jasin Boland / Disney Mulan tells the story of a young woman who defied the expectations society had laid out for her, risking death and disgrace to save her family and defend her kingdom. But where Mulan, the character, ultimately triumphs in ...
The Bruce Lee Storymakes good use of the limited time he’s given. There’s a widely held belief that Hollywood’s best heroes tend to come from films with memorable villains, butMulandefies that old adage by making Lee’s savage character, Bori Khan, almost an afterthought in Mulan’s ...
Disney has gotten into this awful habit of making their female characters Mary Sues who never struggle or have any character arc (e.g., Rey and Captain Marvel). It's like they don't know how to write female characters, which is insane because it shouldn't be any different than male ...
The movies scenery and animation are ace almost living up to the ridiculously high bar of the first. Now while the characters are flat and generic, with only the characters from the first standing out, they are funny and provide some cool character arcs. The direction lends this picture an ...