It could be slow and expensive using your bank, so an online money transfer service could be a better alternative. One of the options available is Mukuru, a remittance company which specialises in transfers to Africa. It was founded in the UK in 2004, but has partnerships all over the worl...
Previous Post Cyprus to launch 10-second bank transfers by 2025 Next Post Cyprus to launch 10-second bank transfers by 2025 MobileMoneyAfrica MobileMoneyAfrica - Africa's leading resource for digital financial services.Related Articles Mukuru launches mobile wallet in Zimbabwe to bolster ...
Mukuru currently uses Zendesk in three countries, but it plans to employ theCollaboration add-onto equip agents with the tools they need to collaborate efficiently across an increasing number of countries. The software will also help the business to prioritize the improvement of internal communications...
On the sending side WorldRemit is 100% digital (cashless), increasing convenience and enhancing security. For those receiving money, the company offers a wide range of options including bank deposit, cash collection, mobile airtime top-up and mobile money. ...
Contextualise it in your own experiences: reading this, you probably had a parent, and grandparent, who has had bank accounts. When you left school and entered the workplace, storing and managing your money digitally was natural, it’s the way it always was. ...