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Shop initiatives Reduction in plastic wastes At "MUJI GINZA" we will not provide plastic bags or straws, as we want to do whatever we can to minimize our output of environmentally harmful, non recyclable plastic waste. The size and materials of our shopping bags will be re-examined and chang...
官网online shop: 实体店地址一览: MUJI每年都会推出好几种福袋,每种都可以说是超值!它家的福袋主要还是针对店头贩卖居多,网络订购会有一部分。价格从1000日元到5000日元不等,种类非常齐全,文具、零食、衣服甚至家具都包含在内。值得一提的是店...
rather, you should just check out the sites (us or eu, jp or com) and click around. there’s a lot of affordable and desirable stuff in there. my orders were extremely quick in arriving (only 2 days!) and i am very satisfied with them. why not buy something, too?
MUJI products are not only popular in Japan, but also worldwide. In this article, we asked shop staff for their recommended MUJI matcha green tea sweets! Francfranc 提到日本的家居,可能很多人第一反应都是简约、X冷淡风?并不是!看看Francfran的风格就知道啦,整个就是跳脱又活泼。 Francfranc是株式会社BALS旗下的主打品牌,目前在日本有80多家的店铺,由于用色比较明亮大胆,设计也偏可爱风,这个牌子最开始的受众定位是25岁左右... 05 Chloros 关键词:一辈子 复古 Chloros有点像年轻版的unico,这种像不仅是风格相近,有复古的味道,在品牌宗旨上也有相似之处,Chloros的宗旨是“深思后慎选你喜欢的,一辈子珍惜使用它”。不过从Chloros的官网图片上看得出来,它的背景更明亮通透,有北欧风的...
Internal Third Parties: Other companies in the Muji Group including Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. (Japan) (, which process your personal data either on their own behalf or on our behalf in providing us with IT, system administration, business ...
官网: 去过日本旅行的朋友或许见过Unico,它是日本的家居连锁店,产品都是原创设计,供应商来自世界各地。Unico这个单词源自意大利语,意思是:唯一的、重要的。 品牌的宗旨,也是围绕着这个单词展开的:「我的家,只有这么一个」。风格既新奇又带点儿怀旧、复古的熟悉感,...
官网: 去过日本旅行的朋友或许见过Unico,它是日本的家居连锁店,产品都是原创设计,供应商来自世界各地。Unico这个单词源自意大利语,意思是:唯一的、重要的。 品牌的宗旨,也是围绕着这个单词展开的:「我的家,只有这么一个」。风格既新奇又带点儿怀旧、复古的熟悉感,...