Interpretations have been predominantly negative based on criticisms of various kinds: the meaning of the concept is unclear and undefined; it lacks political efficacy due to its disconnection with the concrete struggles of actually existing women; it conceals ...
In particular, this dissertation examines gender as communicated by texts that use the mujer varonil, or "masculine woman", characterization to either praise or vilify exceptional female subjects in ways that highlight normative limits for masculine and feminine gender expression. Four texts are ...
As Leonor assumes the role of the primary masculine presence in the play, the male characters fill the more feminine roles.University of Wyoming.Barton, Erica.University of Wyoming.
The new signification of feminine identity set a crisis to masculine identity (Montesinos, 2002). However, though women has being re-signified its feminine identity to be "not for the others" and being the economic providers for her families, the theme of motherhood and the family is a knot...