I tried this but without success. I want to change the rounded corners in the outlined textfield. <TextField name="url" value={this.state.url} InputProps={{ inputProps: { style: { textAlign: 'center', padding: 10, borderRadius: 0 }, }, s...
可以在ThemeProvider中添加自定义的样式来模拟iOS风格: import{createTheme,ThemeProvider}from'@mui/material/styles';consttheme=createTheme({components:{MuiTextField:{styleOverrides:{root:{borderRadius:'10px',// 圆角border:'1px solid lightgrey',// 边框样式},},},},}); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
我正在做一个新的项目(Reactive18.2和MUI5.10.3),我必须在我的组件中创建一个具有特定样式的表。border-radiusif表头不应该有边框表体必须有一个表脚存在的表脚,它必须有边框底部的半径。 我的问题是边框半径不适用于MUI表。如何添加边框半径并移除表头边框?
transition:theme.transitions.create(['border-color','background-color','box-shadow',]),// Use the system font instead of the default Roboto font.fontFamily:['-apple-system','BlinkMacSystemFont','"SegoeUI"','Roboto','"Helvetica Neue"','Arial','sans-serif','"Apple Color Emoji"','"Seg...
.MuiPickersToolbar-root{padding:0!important;/* 防止在 iOS 设备上过多的内边距 */}.MuiInputBase-root{border-radius:4px;/* 改变边框圆角以符合设计 */overflow:hidden;/* 防止内容溢出 */} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 这里我们修改了一些 MUI 的默认样式,确保它在 iOS 设备上正常显示。
importReactfrom'react';importstyledfrom'styled-components';importButtonfrom'@material-ui/core/Button';constStyledButton=styled(Button)`background: linear-gradient(45deg, #fe6b8b 30%, #ff8e53 90%);border-radius: 3px;border: 0;color: white;height: 48px;padding: 0 30px;box-shadow: 0 3px ...
{ IconButton, Tooltip } from '@mui/material'; import AddIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Add'; const CustomIconButton = () => { return ( <Tooltip title="Add Item" placement="top"> <IconButton style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue', color: 'white', borderRadius: '50%' }}> <Add...
fix `borderradius` errors when used inside `cssvarsprovider` (#32817) @mnajdova 1574 - <!-- 04 -->[system] fix toolbar media query mixin getting merged in wrong order (#32713) @zeeshantamboli 1575 1576 ### `@mui/lab@5.0.0-alpha.83` 1577 1578 - <!-- 15 --...
borderRadius: '50%', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', ...(ownerState.active && { backgroundImage: 'linear-gradient( 136deg, rgb(242,113,33) 0%, rgb(233,64,87) 50%, rgb(138,35,135) 100%)', boxShadow: '0 4px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25)', ...
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