[pickers] AddPageUpandPageDownsupport for time components (#14812) @arthurbalduini [pickers] Fix regression onPickerValidDate(#14896) @flaviendelangle [pickers] Move theDateFieldInPickerPropsinterface to theDatePickerfolder and rename itDatePickerFieldProps(same for time and date time) (#14828) @...
This occurs only if you've set confirmFilters option to true. function(filterList: array) => void Example onFilterDialogClose function Callback function that triggers when the filter dialog closes. function() => void onFilterDialogOpen function Callback function that triggers when the filter ...
remove on hover effect when `disableripple` is set (#29298) @adamfitzgibbon 581 - [i18n] add the amharic language (#29153) @natig100 582 - [material] fix types for `variants.style` to accept callbacks (#29610) @mnajdova 583 - [popper] simplify prop types (#29680) @michaldudak ...
--对话框相关HTML代码--> <table width="100%" height="100%" id="cover" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;display:none;background-color:#666666;" onselectstart="javascript:return false;"> <tr> <td id="dlg" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" valign="center"> </td...
[DataGrid] Use container dimensions fromgetComputedStyle(#9236) @m4theushw [l10n] Improve Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) locale (#9404) @julioAz @mui/x-data-grid-pro@6.9.0 Same changes as in@mui/x-data-grid@6.9.0. @mui/x-data-grid-premium@6.9.0 ...
Basic Usage for dialog importReact,{useState}from'react';import{Dialog}from'mui-react-modal';import{Button}from'@mui/material';exportdefaultfunctionTest(){const[open,setOpen]=useState(false);consthandleDialog=()=>setOpen(!open);constdialogAction=<Buttonvariant='outlined'size='small'>Save</Button...
[DataGrid] Set default overlay height in flex parent layout (#15535) @cherniavskii [l10n] Improve Chinese (zh-CN) locale (#15365) @headironc [l10n] Improve Spanish (es-ES) locale (#15369) @CarlosLopezLg [l10n] Improve Swedish (sv-SE) locale (#15371) @viktormelin ...
-->[dialog] fix broken styles if `maxwidth` is set to `false` (#32987) @kmurgic 1288 - <!-- 04 -->[speeddialaction] add support for css variables (#32608) @gin1314 1289 - <!-- 02 -->[tabs] increment scroll of the minimum amount possible (#33103) @...
If the column type is 'singleSelect', you also need to set the valueOptions property in the respective column definition. These values are options used for filtering and editing. { field: 'country', type: 'singleSelect', valueOptions: ['United Kingdom', 'Spain', 'Brazil'] } Copy When ...