insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${NSISDIR}\Docs\Modern UI\licensefile.txt" !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE DirectoryPre !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW DirectoryShow !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH 代...
我已经成功地在nsis的finish页面添加了一个复选框,使用MUI在finish页面定义MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE和MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW但如果我包含MUI2而不是MUI,则不会显示该复选框。我认为在这一点上,MUI2与MUI有所不同。我找不到关于这方面的文档,如果有人知道,我能知道吗? 谢谢 ...
MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more! - mui-x/ at v7.24.0 · mui/mui-x
changelogOld docs docsTech netlify packages patches scripts test .browserslistrc .eslintignore .eslintrc.js .gitattributes .gitignore .markdownlint-cli2.cjs .mocharc.js .npmrc .vale.ini babel.config.js codecov.yml dangerfile.js lerna.json netl...
function CustomDataGrid(props) { const apiRef = useGridApiRef(); return ( <div> <Button onClick={() => apiRef.current.setPage(0)}> Go to page first page </Button> <DataGrid apiRef={apiRef} {...other} /> </div> ); } Copy See the apiRef reference documentation for more details....
function CustomEditComponent(props: GridRenderEditCellParams) { return <input type="text" value={params.value} onChange={...} />; } const columns: GridColDef[] = [ { field: 'firstName', renderEditCell: (params: GridRenderEditCellParams) => ( <CustomEditComponent {...params} /> ),...
The Pro version is available under a commercial license—visitthe Pricing pagefor details. Pro packages: @mui/x-data-grid-pro @mui/x-date-pickers-pro Premium Plan The Premium version of MUI X covers the most advanced features of the data grid, such as row grouping, Excel export, and aggr...
There are many effective designs and solutions available. Your design time and page concepts are cut down with carefully chosen and created designs. It is fully loaded with components and application pages that require no setup to function on any website. To deliver the greatest possible site exp...
use custom webpack loader for markdown (#26774) @eps1lon 2080 - <!-- 11 -->[docs] fix 301 links (#26942) @oliviertassinari 2081 - <!-- 01 -->[docs] add page for the `sx` prop (#26769) @mnajdova 2082 - <!-- 52 -->[docs] pre-fill issue ...
To enable, provide a getRows function to the unstable_dataSource prop on the Data Grid component. const dataSource = { getRows: async (params: GridServerGetRowsParams) => { const data = await fetch( `${new URLSearchParams({ page:, pageSize: par...