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Muhammad Yunus 穆罕默德•尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus,1940年6月28日- ):孟加拉国经济学家,孟加拉乡村银行(Grameen Bank,也译作格莱珉银行)格莱珉银行的创始人,有“穷人的银行家”之 elijah muhammad phr. 伊莱贾穆罕默德(美国黑人穆斯林教领袖) army of muhammad phr. 贾什-E-穆罕默德 muhammad ali phr. 拳王阿...
#孟加拉国 #尤努斯 穆罕默德·尤努斯(孟加拉语:মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস 英文:Muhammad Yunus),男,1940年6月28日出生,孟加拉国经济学家,孟加拉乡村银行(Grameen Bank,也译作格莱珉银行)的创始人, - 野小子观察家于20240814发布
文章主要记叙了Muhammad Yunus通过开设银行,给穷人们提供小额贷款创业,帮助他们摆脱贫困的故事。 (1)题详解: 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的银行允许人们借少量的钱来创业。A. agrees同意;B. allows允许;C. attracts吸引;D. wishes希望。根据后文“people to borrow small amounts of money to start business”...
句意:Yunus在大学附近的乔布拉村拜访最贫穷的家庭时,遇到了一个做竹凳的女人。根据后文"in the village of Jobra near his university"可知Yunus去的是大学附近的村庄,拜访最贫穷的家庭。故选A.(5)A.考查动词及语境理解。A. keep保持,维持;B. catch抓住;C. run奔跑;D. find找到。句意:为了维持生意,她不...
2 Muhammad Yunus, a professor of economics in Chittagong University, is the founder of Grameen Bank. His bank __ people to borrow small amounts of money to start business. He and the bank were ___awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to help bring millions of people, especially...
穆罕默德·尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus),是孟加拉格莱珉银行(Grameen Bank)的创始人,他为帮助孟加拉的贫困人民,开创了无抵押小微贷款模式,有“小额贷款之父”之称,因此获得2006年诺贝尔和平奖,被称为“穷人的银行家”。反观中国众多做无抵押小微贷款的,要么已经进了监狱,要么正在走向监狱的路上。有些确有原因,更多的却...
【题目】Muhammad Yunus, a professor of economics in Chittagong University, is the founder of Grameen Bank. His bank __1 people to borrow small amounts of money to start business. He and the bank were_ 2 awarded the Nobel Peace Prizefor their efforts to help bring millions of people, ...
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Muhammad Yunus, a professor of economics in Chittagong University, is thefounder of Grameen Bank. His bank 21_ people to borrow small amounts of money tostart business. He and the bank were 22 awarded the Nobel ...