Holy Prophet's (PBUH) last sermon provides the basis of an Islamic Welfare State: AJKCJ A prominent spiritual leader demanded on Sunday constitution of a board to carry out research on various aspects of life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) so that the same could be placed on the internet for ...
Muhammad (pbuh) died a natural death. According to Ayesha (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh) expired at night-time. When he was dying there was no oil in the lamp and his wife Ayesha (r.a.) had to borrow oil for the lamp. According to Anas (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh) looked exceedingly bri...
In a brief span of 23 years of his prophetic life, Muhammad (PBUH) was able to transform the faith, morality, daily life, and the very mindset of all the varied tribes of Arabia. Within a hundred years his message had changed the hearts and lives of millions in different parts of the ...
So, the enemies of Islam had been and still intentionally propagating a few aspects of the Holy Prophet’s life PEACE BE UPON HIM with maximum force to slow down this fastest-growing religion. Out of these aspects, perhaps the most glaring point is the marriage of the mother of believers H...
The Angels of Heaven, the trees, the mountains and the animals also celebrated the birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and we should also celebrate. May Allah bless you all with the best of this life and the next. Have a great Month!
Muhammad: The Mercy for the Multiverse: Experience the life and times of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in this immersive animated series. Learn about the milestones in the Prophet's life before his prophethood and after he received the first revelation.
Dr. Abdullah Ali’s reactionary embrace of Black Conservatism with its denial of systemic defacto racism precludes him from teaching the Islamic sciences that pertain to the application of the Qur’an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) in ways that meet the social, political, cultural,...
Post dateMarch 26, 2020 No Commentson 8 – The Conversion Of Umar In this class we’ll discuss the following: The life of Jafar ibn Abi Talib The persecution of Muslims in Mecca The Quraish campaign of mockery against Prophet Muhammad Darul Arqam, the first house of Islamic learning Conversi...
We as Shia Muslim believe that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a Prophet before he was actually born in a physical sense but are there any Hadith maybe talking about the event of his First encounter with the Angel and the first revelation. ...
ThisassemblygivesashortlifehistoryoftheProphet,andexamineshis legacy–thereligionofIslamthatisthriving1400yearsafterhisdeathand stillmakingapositiveimpactonpeople’slives,despitetheimpressionoften givenbyWesternMedia. ItistraditionalforMuslimstoadd“Peacebeuponhim”aftersaying Muhammad’sname(abbreviatedto“PBUH”whe...