Synopsis: Gintama is a story of a handyman named Gintoki, a samurai with no respect for rules set by the invaders, who’s ready to take any job to survive. He and his gang, however, are also among the very few who have not forgotten the morale of a swordsman. Wherever they go, ...
Pikaman (Ria-Corsta, edited by ryun) - Primarily three-button like Rice's characters, but with additional buttons dedicated to grabs, Hypers and such, Pikaman is usually my go-to character simply because of how fun and stupid he is to play as. Koishi Komeiji (RicePigeon) - I have ...
Man, this looks amazing! I literally created this account to follow the project. I was playing Shin Butoden these days, and in the search for butoden characters, I ended up finding your project. Do you intend to focus on other characters like from SB1(Cell, Dr.Gero, 16) or Super But...
6. STARS / NOWEARMAN7. 石川町ファイヤー/ PHONO TONES8. Rapid Reality / RADICAL DADS9. There's A Change / Sara Radle (ex - The Rentals)10. SUNNY / シャムキャッツ11. ストーリー / スカート12. beautiful world / SPECIAL OTHERS13. BRAND NEW EVERYTHING / ストレイテナー14. ...