It is also known asSamadhi or Yoga mudra. It is performed with the help of two hands which are placed on the lap and place the right hand on the left hand with stretched fingers (thumbs facing upwards and other fingers of both the hand resting on each other.) This is the characteristic...
They are also employed by monks in ceremonial meditation and concentration, where they are thought to produce powers that call upon the divine. A mudra, however, is utilised to do more than only highlight and elucidate an esoteric ritual’s meaning. Buddha Mudra lends meaning to a sculpture,...
A mudra is used not only to illustrate and emphasize the meaning of an esoteric ritual but also it gives significance to a sculptural image, a dance movement, or a meditative pose, intensifying their potency. In its highest form, it is a magical art of symbolical gestures through which the...
TheUttarabodhi mudraenhances the brain’s creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. It is also thought to be excellent for boosting self-assurance and recognizing one’s inner Self, therefore it’s also known as agesture of enlightenment. It helps one overcome their fear and en...
There are so many uses these cards could serve, given the brilliant, bold coloring. You’ll see that the cards are double-sided, meaning there are no “card backs” as you might find in traditional oracle decks. One side covers one of the chakras or handmudras, and the other side offer...
The word Mudra is derived from the Sanskrit words Mud+Dhra, or bliss+dissolving – meaning that which dissolves duality and brings together the deity and the devotee. Mudras are gestures performed with the hands and are used to convey various feelings, or expressions or meanings. (Recently the...
Other names for this form of Buddhism are Mantrayana (“Vehicle of the Mantra”), which refers to the use of the mantra to prevent the mind from going astray into the world of its fictions and their attendant verbiage and to remain aware of reality as such; and Guhyamantrayana, in which...