Mental Health Conditions: Gyan mudra is associated with calming and focusing the mind. However, for those with certain mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, it may not be suitable or may need to be modified. As with any new exercise or practice,...
Subliminal Healing Vibes Production, Pure White Aura Record, Curing Music for Mindfulness and Bliss, Healing Music for Inner Harmony and Peacefulness, Serene Sounds & Co, Supernal Quietism Project Meditation Mudra Gravity Meditation (Calming Music For Relaxation, Meditation, Healing, Spiritual Healing, ...
Looking towards nose tip helps in calming anger and releasing disturbed emotions. The mudra aims to help in introspection and inducing a state of meditativeness. 凝视鼻尖,可平抚内心的怒火并释放受纷扰的情绪。这个心印的目的是帮助我们内省,然后进入冥想状态。 3) Khechari mudra(卷舌印) 心印 03 卷舌...
Maha Sacral Mudra is known for its calming and grounding effects and is often used for abdominal complaints and emotional processing. Using this affirmation can enhance the practice and promote a sense of balance and well-being. Maha Sacral Mudra Benefits Maha Sacral Mudra is associated with severa...
Looking towards nose tip helps in calming anger and releasing disturbed emotions. The mudra aims to help in introspection and inducing a state of meditativeness. 凝视鼻尖,可平抚内心的怒火并释放受纷扰的情绪。这个心印的目的是帮助我们内省,然后进入冥想状态。