MUDMetropolitan Utilities District MUDMultiuser Detection MUDManufacturer Usage Description MUDMaster of Urban Design MUDMultiple User Dialogue MUDMaster Unit Die MUDMulti-User Detector(communications) MUDMade Up Drama MUDMesa de Unión Democrática(Spanish: Table Democratic Union) ...
Created by the Nebraska legislature in 1913, the Metropolitan Utilities District's (MUD's) mission is to provide safe drinking water and natural gas to customers of the Omaha metropolitan area at a cost consistent with sound management practices. In 2008, MUD began a formal Infrastructure ...
Metropolitan Utilities District Middle Up Down (bridge game) Modello unico di Dichiarazione Ambiente (Italian: Unique Environment Statement Pattern) Moose Utility Division Multi-Unit Dwelling (housing classification) Multi-User Detector (communications) Multi-User Domain Multi-User Dungeon Multi-User Dungeon...
The article reports on the preparation of the Omaha Metropolitan Utilities District to issue $100 million of tax-exempt fixed-rate revenue bonds. The move is in response to the move of Moody's Investors Service Inc. to upgrade its bond ratings. Proceeds from the bond sale will help fund a...
The article reports on the preparation of the Omaha Metropolitan Utilities District to issue $100 million of tax-exempt fixed-rate revenue bonds. The move is in response to the move of Moody's Investors Service Inc. to upgrade its bond ratings. Proceeds fro...