1894年 慕夏为舞台剧吉思梦妲Gismonda设计海报,这是莎拉贝恩哈德特系列海报中的第一张。 1896年 Champenois公司为慕夏发行了第一件饰板联作﹕四季The Seasons。 1898年 饰板画与海报,分别在波希米亚平原的Chrudim及匈牙利布达佩斯的Hradec Kralove两地展出。 1902年 出版装饰集锦Documents decoratifs。 1905年 应聘在纽约...
▲ 《四季》The four seasons 1896 我们所熟悉的“穆夏风格”可以说是集大成的艺术荟萃,不仅带有日本木刻对外形和轮廓线优雅的刻画,还有拜占庭艺术华美的色彩和几何装饰效果,以及巴洛克、洛可可艺术的细致而富于肉感的描绘创造出感性化的装饰性线条、简洁的轮廓线和明快的水彩效果。 一切从大自然中汲取创作灵感,有点像...
The Four Seasons, Calendar 1897 Page of Calendar 1988 The English word calendar is derived from the Latin word kalendae, which was the Latin name ofthe first day of every month.The primary practical use of a calendar is to identify days: to be informed about and/or to agree on a future...
The Four Seasons, the illustrated Lord's prayer... the list goes on - all absent. When I asked about this, the guide said, "Those are mostly in private hands, this is what the family had..."...which tells me the family is not using their profits to expand the collection.Ins...
"Summer From: The Four Seasons, " Giclee Print after 1896 Print by Alphonse Mucha, 1896 H 19.5 in W 15.5 in circa 1910 Art Nouveau Mucha Style Necklace Free Shipping Art Nouveau Gemstone Painting after Alphonse Mucha Spring H 15 in W 11 in D 0.13 in Gemstone Painting Modeled After Alpho...
Four Seasons Four Flowers: Rose, Iris, Carnation, Lily 第二种是他画了一本《装饰文档》(Documents...
The zest for Art Nouveau works continued with Alphonse Mucha, whose ornate designs remain a staple for collectors. Two sets of his revered decorative panels for the four seasons claimed top sales: the 1896 set of The Seasons was won for $43,200; a r...
Taiwan's first exhibition that brings together the culmination of the Art Nouveau Movement Painting, architecture, sculpture, furniture, jewelry, posters, illustrations… Classic paintings, historical images, cultural relics, 360-degree immersive projection, AI+AR bodies ...
巨巨的自画像镇楼 这个展览的优点一是展品丰富,200多幅真迹+历史照片翻拍+少量相关实物+适当数码影像,...