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MMORPG.com and Webzen have partnered to give special in-game items in celebration of the latest update to MU Online - Season 8! Each gift pack will give tons of special items - different for both returning and new players. Get your key now while supplies last! Event Period:March 7 ~ Ma...
上看到 recvQ:XXXXX 的数字,这表示目前服务器还有多少条查询或修改命令等待处理。 在数据库muonline 中有存储过程里除了处理item(复制)得程序,没有其它的,所有处理全 是实时交换的,那么仔细看一下,其交换的数据,主要就是对character,optiondata,warehouse
The item difficulty for each question was between 0.32鈥 0.65, while the discrimination index ranged from 0.31鈥 0.75 and the reliability (KR20) for the MuCRA was 0.69. The congruence analyses demonstrated distractors are capturing student misconceptions in 9/10 questions. These data indicate that...
Is a 4-byte integer field that specifies the index number that identifies the type of MDS-MU to build. The type identifies whether the MDS-MU is a request, a reply, or an error message, and whether additional messages are expected. Types defined as constants are as follows: 1 REQUEST_...
第一种:备份文件是.bak时的还原方法,这种备份文件的得来,是采用了一般的备份方式得来的如:MuOnline这个数据库的bak备份文件,一般叫MuOnline.bak 具体还原步骤: 1、建立一个数据库,记下这个数据库储存的路径:D:\Tools\GSQL2008R2\userdata\MuOnline.mdf ...
"colorIteratorIndex": 3, "options": [ { "value": "下拉框1", "itemColor": "#2196F3" }, { "value": "下拉框2", "itemColor": "#08C9C9" }, { "value": "下拉框3", "itemColor": "#00C345" } ], "remote": false, "filterable": false, "remoteOptions": [], "props": { ...
Website: http://originalmu.net/Forum: http://originalmu.net/forum/index.php OriginalMu is growing project with MuOnline server based on latest Season 6 epizode 3,premium Server Files. Very Well-Considered Gameplay - Working all spells/maps/events. Professionally developed to deliver...
把服务器端放在D盘, 服务器端文件夹名可起名为Muserver,然后打开SQL企业管理器(开始-程序-Microsoft sql server-企业管理器),新建数据库MuOnline和Ranking!然后还原数据库,一般版本带的数据库都在DB文件夹里!然后建立数据源(开始-程序-管理工具-数据源 (ODBC)),一般服务器端版本都有ODB自动建立,点一下就行,如果...
This makes the output suitable for online # browsing using Word or some other Word compatible readers that support those # fields. # # Note: WordPad (write) and others do not support links. # The default value is: NO. # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to ...