7MU占地面积4500平米,因而取名“七亩”,分为四大板块 -- 7MU SPACE(空间)、7MU CAFE(咖啡)、7MU DINING(餐厅) 和7MU GARAGE(车库)。 7MU前身为闲置的工地和厂房,主理人缪先生偶然路过此地,被其茶山环绕的自然环境、充满层次感的院落围墙、独立空旷的厂房空间所吸引,与他内心一直想构造的包容性的、充满艺术...
7MU (七亩)坐落于杭州市西湖区龙坞长埭村。龙坞隶属杭州主城区,但远离高楼,周边茶山围绕,空气通透、视野开阔,农家菜格外鲜美,吸引众人徒步休闲喝茶,是城市里的世外桃源。7MU占地面积4500平米,因而取名“七亩”,分为四大板块 — 7MU SPACE(空间)、7MU CAFE(咖啡)、7MU DINING(餐厅) 和7MU GARAGE(车库)。 ▼...
7MU(七亩)坐落于杭州市西湖区龙坞长埭村。龙坞隶属杭州主城区,但远离高楼,周边茶山围绕,空气通透、视野开阔,农家菜格外鲜美,吸引众人徒步休闲喝茶,是城市里的世外桃源。7MU 占地面积 4500 平米,因而取名“七亩”,分为四大板块—7MU SPACE(空间)、7MU CAFE(咖啡)、7MU DINING(餐厅)和 7MU GARAGE(车库)。 7...
Garage Bar Elviris, Linares LADY LAZARUS en Jerez 28 de marzo (2025) La Guarida del Angel , Jerez de la Frontera SOMOS EMIGRANTES en Tempo Club Madrid 28 de marzo (2025) Tempo Club, Madrid Indie The REYTONS en Barcelona 27 de marzo (2025) Sala Apolo 2, Barcelona The REYTONS...
43比例 第31期 Make Up Garage Active Active R33 GT-R Wide Body Concept 1:43 GTR R-33 日产, 视频播放量 1779、弹幕量 1、点赞数 79、投硬币枚数 14、收藏人数 24、转发人数 4, 视频作者 玩车模的老王, 作者简介 分享车模把玩心得的业余up,相关视频:【老王】64比例300S
7MU (七亩)坐落于杭州市西湖区龙坞长埭村。龙坞隶属杭州主城区,但远离高楼,周边茶山围绕,空气通透、视野开阔,农家菜格外鲜美,吸引众人徒步休闲喝茶,是城市里的世外桃源。7MU占地面积4500平米,因而取名“七亩”,分为四大板块 — 7MU SPACE(空间)、7MU CAFE(咖啡)、7MU DINING(餐厅) 和7MU GARAGE(车库)。
For your comfort and privacy, the 5 en-suite bedrooms each have a dressing, and find a spare room that can be used as a study.Among the other home amenities, you will have a double garage, a secondary swimming pool at the back, laundry facilities, and a staff area. The Four Seas...
For your comfort and privacy, the 5 en-suite bedrooms each have a dressing, and find a spare room that can be used as a study.Among the other home amenities, you will have a double garage, a secondary swimming pool at the back, laundry facilities, and a staff area. The Four Sea...
1/19 巴特明斯特艾弗爾瓦爾德酒店 (Waldhotel Bad Munstereifel) 酒店 星級評定為3星級 住宿特色 230米至公共交通 7.9位置 Am Quecken 7-10, 巴特明斯特艾弗爾, 巴特明斯特艾弗爾, 北萊茵-西發里亞, 德國, 53902 泊車免費 Bad Münstereifel火車站220 mApothekenmuseum Schwanenapotheke590 mAbbey Church660 m ...
a sauna and a training room compose the program of this luxurious house. A service corridor that connects the main entrance to the ground-floor entrance doubles as the entrance to the garage and gives access to a small washroom, laundry room and pantry that connects to the kitchen through a...