英文名称: MTX115325 总访问: 10 国产/进口: 进口 半年访问: 10 产地/品牌: MedChemExpress(MCE) 产品类别: 生化试剂 规格: 1 mg 最后更新: 2024-4-30 货号: HY-160019 CAS 号: 2750895-97-5 参考报价: 9000 立即询价 电话咨询 [发表评论] [本类其他产品] [本类其他供应商] [收藏] 分享:微信...
Nat Cancer. 2024 Jul 11.McePdfHeightCaution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.Tel: 400-820-3792; 021-58955995 Fax: 021-53700325 E-mail: tech@MedChemExpress.cn1/1 Master of Bioactive Molecules —您⾝边的抑制剂⼤师 ...
MedChemexpress(简称MCE)提供各信号通路及领域的数千种现货抑制剂、调节剂、激动剂及化合物分子库 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 121.39K 文档页数: 4页 顶/踩数: 0 / 0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 医学/心理学 -- 临床医学 文档标签: 抑制剂 系统标签: lcms mtx rettim acq ...
The article reports on the birth defect called mongolism. It cites the explanation presented by Doctor Theodore H. Ingalls of the New York Academy of Medicine in late November 1950 on the cause of mongolism, which he claims is due to an injury or shock ...
MCE 对每批产品都进行严格的LCMS和NMR检验,其产品已被全球近万名客户广泛使用并发表大量文章、;MCE 定期增加各领域热门抑制剂、激动剂,不断扩增已有化合物库,以满足*新的科研需求;数千种产品在上海有充足备货,24-48小时内送达客户;大量产品提供免费试用装;已为全球多个知名企业、院校构建各种定制型化合物库。
MTX-23 (compound 16; 2.5 mg/mL; intratumor injection) inhibits tumor growth in nu/nu mice with 22Rvl-Enz R tumor xenografts . MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only. Animal Model: nu/nu mice with 22Rvl-Enz R tumor xenografts Dosage...
Universal Pictures invest in social gamingThe article reports that Universal Pictures will be investing in social gaming to promote its animated movies, following the success of a game for the film "Despicable Me," as...
与马英九上演“双马会”,马龙:很开心 关注 赞 评论 疑击剑运动员秦雪退役后转型颜值博主 妈妈给孩子买冰箱当书柜,孩子打开冰箱天塌了#万万没想到 炒个辣子鸡,配上几个菜你觉得费8+1吗? 南昌首个“第四代住宅”样板房亮相 记者带你了解背后的秘密#第四代住宅#空中花园#绿色生态花园住宅 与马英九上演“双马会”...