-- Your image file URLs will be substituted for the "image_url" variable belowwhen you publish a batch with a CSV input file containing multiple image file URLs.To preview the element with an example image, try setting the src attribute to"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cv-demo-images/basketbal...
Mturk:三个任务,但只有一个命中 Mturk是亚马逊众包平台(Amazon Mechanical Turk)的简称,它是一种通过互联网连接人与任务的平台。Mturk允许任务发布者(Requester)将任务分解为小的人力劳动任务(Human Intelligence Tasks,HITs),并通过Mturk平台向工人(Worker)分发这些任务。 Mturk的三个任务中只有一个命中,意味着任务发布...
MTurk的全称是Amazon Mechanical Turk,是亚马逊开发的一个众包(crowdsourcing)平台。需要某些服务的人(称...
Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth allows you to easily build and manage your own data labeling workflows and workforce. Or, use Ground Truth Plus, a turnkey data labeling service that provides an expert workforce and manages it on your behalf. Amazon Mechanical Turk is accessible through both Ground...
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/mturk/ Using the Client To contact Amazon Mechanical Turk with the SDK use the New function to create a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service. These clients are safe to use concurrently. See ...
Approving an assignment initiates two payments from the Requester's Amazon.com account The Worker who submitted the results is paid the reward specified in the HIT. Amazon Mechanical Turk fees are debited. If the Requester's account does not have adequate funds for these payments, the call to ...
正规的微型众包工作平台Amazon Mechanical Turk的注册方法,高薪工作申请方法,提款方法|适合业余赚钱的网站,新手友好,任务简单 想必很多从事自由职业的朋友,都听说过,或者正在使用亚马逊MTurk为自己带来一份工作外收入。Amazon Mechanical Turk,简称MTurk。是Amazon旗下的微型众包工作平台。作为世界最大的微型工作平台,Mechanical...
MTurk接口是指亚马逊众包平台(Amazon Mechanical Turk)提供的一组API,用于开发者与MTurk系统进行交互。MTurk是一种人力众包平台,允许开发者将任务分配给全球的人力劳动者来完成。 创建命中(CreateHIT)是MTurk接口中的一个操作,用于创建一个任务(HIT,Human Intelligence Task)。任务可以是简单的文本处理、图像标注、调查问...
那试想下,这类任务每年会有多少,市场是多么大。其实这类任务每年能够达到上亿个,光中国就需要200万个微型工作人员来协助审查网络。亚马逊也创建了类似的平台Amazon Mechanical Turk,请求者可以通过向员工支付工资以在线执行微型任务来收集数据。 另一家CrowdFlower公司致力于通过“微任务”对人工智能数据的收集,MTurk上...