Speed control of PMSM with field-weakening and MTPA: mcb_pmsm_fwc_qep_f28069LaunchPad mcb_pmsm_fwc_qep_f28379d Speed control of Interior PMSM (IPMSM) with field-weakening and MTPA: mcb_ipmsm_fwc_qep_f28379d Note: This model uses the ADLEE-BM-180E IPMSM parameters that are defined...
Sliding mode speed control of PMSM MTPA control system for electrical vehicles[J]. Electric Machines and Control,2011,15( 8) : 52 - 58.金宁治,王旭东,李文娟.电动汽车PMSM MTPA控制系统滑模速度控制[J]. 电机与控制学报.2011(08)电动汽车PMSM MTPA控制系统滑模速度控制[J]. 金宁治,王旭东,李文娟...
A mathematical model is proposed for the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control law of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) in the stator flux linkage synchronous frame (M-T frame). The mathematical model takes into consideration magnetic saturation and cross-magnetization effects. In tak...
Field-Weakening Control (with MTPA) of PMSM Implements the field-oriented control (FOC) technique to control the torque and speed of a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The FOC algorithm requires rotor position feedback, which is obtained by a quadrature encoder sensor. For...
How to Implement Field Oriented Control of a PMSM with PSIM and SmartCtrl 18:00 Implementing Field Weakening and MTPA Control with PSIM 14:10 Introduction to the HEV Design Suite with PSIM 13:04 Motor control made easy Get started with the motor control design suite 06:10 New motor ...
Moreover, a MTPA based adaptive input-output state feedback linearization approach has been introduced for sensorless IPMSM control [15]. Sliding mode controllers have been widely used for control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. Show abstract A Vector Control System of PMSM with the...
关键词:永磁同步电机;最大转矩电流比控制;滑模变结构控制;变指数趋近律;积分滑模面 中图分类号:TM351文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-449X(2011)08-0052-07 SlidingmodespeedcontrolofPMSMMTPAcontrol systemforelectricalvehicles JINNing-zhi,WANGXu-dong,LIWen-juan (SchoolofElectrical&ElectronicEngineering,HarbinUniversi...
Therefore, the anti-integral saturation control strategy has been introduced into the maximum torque-current ratio control speed regulation system of permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) to improve the stability of the system. The feedback algorithm is adopted to solve the higher degree torque-...
Sensorless Control of PMSM for the Whole Speed Range Using Two-Degree-of-Freedom Current Control and HF Test Current Injection for Low-Speed Range. SEILMEIER M,PIEPENBREIER B.Sensorless control of PMSM for the whole speed range using two-degree-of-freedom current control and HF test current ...
PMSM in simulation. This example helps motor design engineers to simulate high-performance motors in real-world motor control applications. In addition, control system engineers can use this example to design control algorithms for a given set of motor parameter data to achieve high levels of ...