I have an MTP1000 Unified Basic panel that I'm trying to add objects (pushbuttons) from the global library. I'm unable to do so. I can't find any documentation indicating this is a limitation of the hardware. I have a simple screen added and I can add objects ...
I am having the same issue, the 'Buttons and switches' in the global library do not work with a unified panel, is there an alternative library that contains these that will work, just need basic switches / lamps etc, I cannot find any thing in the
西门子触摸屏 Unified精智面板 MTP1000 6AV2128-3KB06-0AX0 10.1寸 在线交易 72小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 上海海凝电气技术有限公司 查看详情 ¥1.10万/台 江苏苏州 西门子触摸屏 Unified精智面板 MTP1000 6AV2128-3KB06-0AX0 10.1寸 等离子 COM 江苏仕力科电气有限公司 4年 “...
I have an MTP1000 Unified Basic panel that I'm trying to add objects (pushbuttons) from the global library. I'm unable to do so. I can't find any documentation indicating this is a limitation of the hardware. I have a simple screen added and I can add objects ...