MTP-B205M-7E 這款結合指針和數碼顯示屏的手錶設計簡單俐落,助您以扼要而大膽的方式表現自我。配備日曆、鬧鐘、秒錶及第二時間功能,兼具時尚美感和便利功能。配備日常使用的防水功能,讓您在下雨或洗漱時倍感安心。 防水 簡約設計 適合任何場合佩戴 鬧鈴功能 ...
MTP-B205M-7E Favorite Express yourself simply and boldly with a timepiece that brings analog and digital together in a simple, clean design. Equipped with a calendar, alarm, stopwatch, and dual time to deliver both stylish beauty and functional convenience. Water resistance for daily use frees...
MTP-B205M-7E Favorite Express yourself simply and boldly with a timepiece that brings analog and digital together in a simple, clean design. Equipped with a calendar, alarm, stopwatch, and dual time to deliver both stylish beauty and functional convenience. Water resistance for daily use frees...