This procedure treats severe arthritis of the joint at the base of the big toe. This is the first metatarsophalangeal joint, commonly called the first "MTP" joint. Arthritis in this joint can cause pain and swelling. It can...
在大脚趾近端第一跖趾关节处作切口,显露检查关节。清理两骨间关节内的软骨,如足趾对线异常,将其矫正重排。 Fusing the Joint(融合关节) A metal pin, screws, or plates are inserted through the bones to hold them in place for fusion and to angle the big toe slightly upward for walking....
Watanabe [1] was the first to describe an arthroscopic procedure of the big toe in 1986. In 1999, Frey et al. [6] reported that arthroscopic surgery of the MTP-I was still a developing procedure with a gray area for application. We published our first 27 MTP-I joint arthroscopic ...
nobody sane would opt for joint fusion in those cases if they had a choice. But foot surgeons are faced with a more complicated decision process when dealing with hallux rigidus and the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of the foot. ...
Watanabe [1] was the first to describe an arthroscopic procedure of the big toe in 1986. In 1999, Frey et al. [6] reported that arthroscopic surgery of the MTP-I was still a developing procedure with a gray area for application. We published our first 27 MTP-I joint arthroscopic ...
or missing articular cartilage in the MTP joint, where the base of the great toe meets the foot. The implant restores mobility to the bones of this joint, allowing them to glide smoothly against each other. This procedure ...