MTO Process in SAP SD In SAP Sales and Distribution (SD), the MTO (Make-to-Order) process caters to scenarios where products are manufactured specifically for a customer’s order. Learn about the MTO Process in SAP SD. Optimize production with our guide on the Make-to-Order workflow, ...
本章内容包括,创建案例客户编码、创建销售单价资料,创建销售订单并应用销售BOM,根据客户需求创建销售订单BOM,单个计算修改销售订单标准成本,批量计算销售订单标准成本,销售发货出库,预制销售发票。通过本章创建销售订单,为后面PP物料需求计划章节案例需求来源,通过本章预制销售发票,为后面AR应收章节案例应收来源。 本案例客户...
erplabs按单2公司产品标准成本由料、工、费构成,物料成本来自采购信息记录,人工与制造费用来自于作业成本。本案例启用销售订单BOM,在SAP计算销售订单行项目产品标准成本。 事务码:CK51N 路径:控制 -> 产品成本控制 -> 成本对象控制 -> 按销售定单划分的产品成本 -> 成本估价 -> 订单 BOM 成本估算 -> CK51N...
如上图,为销售组织、分销渠道、产品组的组合,分配信贷控制范围。 SD通用后台配置 定义条件类型 点执行,进入下一界面 双击“维护条件类型”选项,进入下一界面 ……完整版请加微信erplabs2购SAP MTO 2案例教程。 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击举报。打开...
MTO process using SAP PS, PP and SD Go to solution soubhagya_rout Participant on 2015 Jul 21 0 Kudos 2,390 SAP Managed Tags: PLM Project System (PS) Hi, Before posting this in SCN forum, I have searched the forum and found a healthy no. of documents but after going ...
案例客户主数据设置如下:案例销售订单数据如下:E客户订单数据,F客户订单数据,G客户订单数据 本案例销售订单BOM数据如下:本案例销售发货开票数据如下:创建客户编码 按照案例,新增以下客户编码,用于演示不同销售订单BOM组件的组合应用。事务码:XD01 路径:后勤 -> 销售和分销 -> 主数据 -> 业务合作...
·SAPProject System is used to control the whole process, from the SD requirement to planning, purchasing, production and delivery. · SAP Project-Oriented Procurement (ProMan) is used as an advanced tool to control the planning/purchasing steps in the order procedure. ...
· SAP Project System is used to control the whole process, from the SD requirement to planning, purchasing, production and delivery. · SAP Project-Oriented Procurement (ProMan) is used as an advanced tool to control the planning/purchasing steps in the order procedure. mts:独立需求驱动生产、...
In this MTS scenario (probably strat 40), It would be possible that for each MTO order that comes in, someone manually searches for MTS FGs stock, and then converts the 'generic' stock to 'sales order' stock. This is, however, a manual process. If you mean you wish to enter forecast...