Here are links to some current products, discontinued products and various scientific projects. There is a WEALTH of information here! Air Variable Capacitor (Catalog #AIRCAP) Status: Sold Out AM Radio DX Loop Antenna: Status: Free Plans Available Here!
TheservicelifeofthePacificScientifichermeticsealedtypeexplosivecar- tridgeisten(10)years.Combinationoftheshelfandservicelifeisfifteen(15) RuptureDiscAssembly(SecondarySafetyRelief)years. CartridgeElectricaldata: •Voltage:18to36VDC Theextinguishingagentipelledfromthecontainerthroughtherupture disc,whichisopenedbyexp...
我校物理与光电工程学院2014级本科生黄鸿鑫、朱晓锋、苏诗杰、黎煌武四位同学合作在World Scientific Publishing Company旗下的SCI杂志Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 2017年26卷第1期上发表题为《Discrete soliton diode...
我将讨论:检测子宫内膜容受性可能提高部分ART结局,在ART过程中是否需要检测子宫内膜容受性。 But prior to that, I would like to disclose that I'm the founder and head of the scientific Advisory Board, Igenomix. I have b...
“There are of course many programs that easily capture the essence of what I do and even go beyond that, but I don’t go down too much of a scientific path as that’s not a funk thing for me. I see new cats using the Amiga and OctaMed and that’s great, rekindling old skool ...
For someone with a love of nature and a healthy scientific curiosity, it was instantly inspiring. “That tied in with my interests in dynamics, in neuroscience, in dealing with reality nature investigations, and this started to inform the devices I made. At...
急性肾损伤(AKI),以前称为急性肾功能衰竭(ARF),[1] [2]是在7天内发生的肾功能突然丧失[3]。 其原因很多。一般来说,它是由于肾脏血流受到任何原因(例如,低血压)的肾血流量减少(肾缺血),接触有害肾脏的物质,肾脏炎症过程或阻塞阻碍尿液流动的泌尿道...