Good Day, I have inquiry regarding MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP and WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE, currently we have a pending transaction on the said table. How ever checking in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS already reflected. Does delete record in (work in process > move transactions > pending move tra...
1. Backup error data CREATE TABLE MMT_BACKUP_0805 AS SELECT * FROM INV.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS MMT WHERE MMT.TRANSACTION_ID IN ( 12883636 ,12883651 ); 2. Close Cost Manager Inventory > Request > (find) Cost Manager (B: Cancel Request) Inventory > Setup > Transactions > Interface Managers...
17、nsactionorcostupdateperformedinInventory.Recordsareinsertedintothistableeitherthroughthetransactionprocessororbythestandardcostupdateprogram.ThecolumnsTRANSACTION_TYPE_ID,TRANSACTION_ACTION_ID,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID,TRANSACTION_SOURCE_IDandTRANSACTION_SOURCE_NAMEdescribewhatthetransactionisandag 18、ainstwhat...
1. Backup error data CREATE TABLE MMT_BACKUP_0805 AS SELECT * FROM INV.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS MMT WHERE MMT.TRANSACTION_ID IN ( 12883636 ,12883651 ); 2. Close Cost Manager Inventory > Request > (find) Cost Manager (B: Cancel Request) Inventory > Setup > Transactions > Interface Managers...