文件大小:88.14 MB 下载次数:2 附件售价:1RD币 本地下载立即购买 ...
mtklogger(user版本经过*##3646633##*进入工模选择),会暂时录制到/data/log_temp下,等SD卡ready后再copy到mtklog/mobilelog/APLog路径下 Meta mode(PC meta tool) 会先录制到/data/log_temp/meta/下,等外卡ready后再copy到sdcard1/mtklog/mobilelog/APLog路径下,而后删除源文件(data/log_temp)。 Factory...
因为数字处理电路需要时钟信号才能运行 META工具的使用META (Mobile Engineering Testing Architecture) ,META是专门的测试工具 RF Tool: 射频测量工具可以协助我们对射频电路的判断,维修过程中使用Continuous RX和 Continuous TX 就可以对射频回路进行测量分析。 Continuous RX用于对手机接收回路的测量,测量需要用到信号源、...
META(Mobile Engineering Testing Architecture)是在MTK平台中用于测试、校准、调试手机的一个开发工具,本文主要介绍该工具的使用方法,方便生产测试和维修对手机的射频性能进行调整以及故障的分析判断。META- 精选贴全部 帖子 资料 “META” 的资料 ModemMETA_v10.2044.0.02.exe 大小:88.58 MB 更新日期:2024-12-12 14...
MTK Tool Mediatek Flash Tool and Drivers Search for: Home SP Flash Tool SP MDT Tool SN Write Tool ModemMeta ModemMeta ModemMeta is the official tool released by Mediatek to flash or write IMEI on Mediatek devices.Modem META v10.2044.0.02 ...
Sections Agenew Flash Tool BirdA Flash Tool BirdA MDT Tool Maui Meta ModemMeta MTK Flash Tool MTK USB All MTK Write IMEI SN Write Tool SP Flash Tool SP MDT Tool
MTK平台ATE tool的使用Hardware departmentBy Steven201409102014 Tinno Mobile All Rights Reserved目录:目录:一校准测试环境搭建一校准测试环境搭建二二 ATE
Does anyone have experience with changing the IMEI of a phone with a MTK 676 processor (especially Samsung) using the ModemMeta tool? From my research, I found that after changing the IMEI with this tool, it is necessary to perform a redefinition/reset/write operation for system components.....
META Optimization “Already in META – Don’t USE MODEM API (MO)” To enhance device stability, the update introduces a safeguard that prevents unnecessary modem API interactions when the device is already in META Mode. This change reduces unnecessary system load and potential disruptions during di...
MTK平台ATEtool的使用 MTK平台ATEtool的使用 Hardwaredepartment BySteven2014-09-10 2014TinnoMobileAllRightsReserved 第一页,编辑于星期五:二十三点十分。目录:一、校准测试环境搭建 二、ATE设置介绍三、手动操作 四、Config和ini文件介绍五、报错log简单分析 第二页,编辑于星期五:二十三点十分。一、校准测试...