Your body is unique and your story is too. "I use this testing for my patients and myselfand LOVE the information it gives. If we don't know what our cells need, or ifthey are deficient, how can we expect them to function at 100%? This is a basicpiece of knowledge we could all...
When we meet, it's always evident that she is very well prepared and has given a great deal of thought to what is going on with my health. I feel like I can talk easily, and her responses are very thoughtful and informative. I really appreciate her follow-up emails as they are promp...
Once I know if I have an MTHFR gene mutation, what do I do next? The results of these genetic testing reports are extremely overwhelming. By scheduling an appointment with Liz, the two of you can begin the process of working through your individualized genetic mutations. How we do this lar...
Understand Methyl-Life’s® manufacturing, rigorous testing and potency standards. Learn More Our Mission The Methyl-Life® team is dedicated to enhancing and supporting the lives of those with MTHFR. We source the best ingredients and follow the latest research to support your health and happin...
MTHFR: How It Affects Us and What To Do About It (Episode 29) PodcastOctober 5, 2020 Dr. Doni talks about MTHFR: What it is, how it affects our lives, and answers YOUR listener questions. Read post Solving the Menstrual Cycle Information Deficit with Nicole Jardim (Episode 27) ...
I have MTHFR C677T and or A1298C, what do I do now? Additional Services Diagnosis of complex health problems Genetic testing Dedicated specialists practitioners We provide a global service providing consultations via phone and skype We provide complete genetic analysis using your ancestry DNA data ...
The wildtype genotype is GG (Val/Val) since it contains no variants. The homozygous mutated genotype is AA (Met/Met) since it contains two copies of the variant. MTHFR Sample ReportCOMT Sample Report Genetic testing allows you to see inside your own DNA in order to draw a personalized ma...
Other tests are not only more expensive, but require blood testing, while 23andMe Genetic Testing is done using a simple saliva sample that you get in the mail, give the sample right in your home, and you just mail it back to the lab. Be sure to get the HEALTH+ANCESTRY report and ...
•Many of the myths and truths regarding genetic testing, such as the problem of treating the part (a single genetic SNP) instead of treating the whole (the person with the genetic defects) •The role of DNA versus the functionality of RNA •What a mutation is, and some of the Envi...
Beyond the elevated homocysteine levels linked with the C677T mutation, there’s a compelling reason to undergo testing: understanding how it impacts your body’s folate usability. Traditional blood tests for folate levels paint a broad picture, encompassing both metabolized and unmetabolized forms of...