It is currently unclear what the best high risk definition is for MM. Here we compare GEP signatures and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) markers for this purpose.Leonie de Best
“双打击”淋巴瘤 通过FISH基因水平检测到MYC、BCL2或BCL6两个基因重排的高级别B细胞淋巴瘤,即在弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的基因检测中,如果提示出现了MYC、BCL2或MYC、BCL6改变或易位,这种就可以被认为是“双打击”淋巴瘤,它是临床上最为常见的表示预后...
〔危险之爱〕的五个特征 “爱是那么重要,我们却从没有被教导过如何去爱,这不是很有趣吗?” #微博表白计划#
water lost.28 Instead, the court adopted a comparable sales approach based on water sales transactions through the Drought Water Bank ("Water Bank"). The Water Bank was a program established by the state and administered by DWR to secure excess water from sellers north of the Delta for sale...