Wizard of the Coast(WotC)= 威世智(又名:海岸巫师)公司 1993年,威世智创造了第一款集换式卡片游戏——万智牌(Magic: The Gathering) 1999年,威世智被以超过325,000,000美元的价格出售给孩之宝集团(Hasbro Inc.) Magic: the Gathering(MTG)= 万智牌 Magic: The Gathering Arena(MTGA)= 万智牌竞技场 Magi...
Chromatic Cube Card Lists White (Select for card list) Blue (Select for card list) Black (Select for card list) Red (Select for card list) Green (Select for card list) Multicolor (Select for card list) Colorless (Select for card list) Land (Select for card list) MTG...
Leonin Abunas Foil Mirrodin Pld White Id# Abugames $11.14 $6.08 Ends in 16:34:18Joiner Adept Foil 10th Edition Heavily Pld Green Abugames $12.55 $6.53 Ends in 16:34:18Underground Sea Revised Edition X1 Lp/mp Dual Land $791.94 $469.99 Ends in 17:21:48...
将所有牌的各色献分别汇总后,即可得你的限制套牌的颜色比例。五种颜色的简称:白色-White-W蓝色-blUe-U黑色-Black-B红色-Red-R绿色-Green-G 9楼2020-01-07 15:41 回复 EV_Toxic 正式会员 4 限制炸弹指的是限制赛中强力的,逆风能翻,顺风能斩的咒语,例如镇楼图大天使艾维欣,例如撼世妮莎等。这类单...
Foundations (FDN) Limited Set Review: Green Foundations (FDN) Limited Set Review: Red Foundations (FDN) Limited Set Review: Black Foundations (FDN) Limited Set Review: Blue Foundations (FDN) Limited Set Review: White Duskmourn: House of Horror (DSK) Limited Set Review: Artifacts & Lands Best...
MTG Aetherdrift (DFT) Limited White Card Review, Icky goes all in with the DFT spoiler review White edition! Icky February 11, 2025 Jump into Aetherdrift – Midweek Magic Event Guide Midweek Magic This guide will contain everything you need to know about the Midweek Magic: Jump into Aether...
[搬运][MTG] 近代黑白基定超级伙伴 Modern White-Black Gideons | Craig Wescoe 411 -- 1:23:54 App [搬运][MTG][挖掘近代] 红绿脏熊 Red-Green Hatebears | Mining Modern 464 3 43:53 App [搬运][MTG][挖掘近代] 蓝钢 Blue Steel | Mining Modern 388 5 2:27:27 App [搬运][MTG] 近代白绿...
If you’re in black/white reanimate, this can give you some sweet value by killing their blocker and getting your reanimate target in the bin. Otherwise, it’s a pretty mediocre 3/1 that can use excess lands to save itself in combat sometimes. Secure the Scene –3.5 The premier piece ...
Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base color. The MTGB3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Solar-powered timekeeping with Bluetooth® and radio control for enhanced accuracy and reliability ...
Ion plating (IP) in options of red or green provides vibrant accents to the bold black base colour. The MTG-B3000B features a monochrome black and grey appearance. Super Illuminator (high-brightness LED light) for maintaining watch readability in the dark ...