Cut-Rate Commander - Episode 55 - Featuring Tasha, the Witch Queen from Battle for Balur's Gate #MTG #edh #commander #mtgbaldursgate Welcome back folks! I'm back from vacation and I'm bringing back with Tasha, the Witch Queen from Battle for Balur's gate to helm ...
A similar pattern on 04/19/2024, where I thought Gonti, Canny Acquisitor would take ‘steal your deck’ decks to new heights, but nope, missed there too. Deck theft is a theme I enjoy, with Gonti and cards like Tasha, Witch Queen, but the greater public has no appetite for that as...
法老神尼可波拉斯. 鵬洛客~波拉斯. +2:目標對手從其牌庫頂開始放逐牌,直到放逐一張非地牌為止。直到回合結束,你可以施放該牌且不需支付其魔法力費用。 +1:每位對手各從其手上放逐兩張牌。−4:法老神尼可波拉斯向目標對手或由對手操控的生物造成7點傷害。−12: