Price Foil FNM Promos 43.12 Gateway Promos 9.93 Open House Promos 7.77 Summer Magic Revised Edition (Foreign Black Border) 30th Anniversary Promos 14.59 30th Anniversary Promos (Retro Frame) 119.97 Media Promos (Retro) 3.3 Foundations (Showcase) ...
Sorting the risers list by highest price rather percentage change tells a different story. The top twenty gainers pricewise from 2014 are as follows: Card Set Dec 31st Jan 1st Change Chains of Mephistopheles (R) Legends $348.49 $194.00 79.60% Volcanic Island (R) Revised Edition $265.99 $...
Bayou Revised Edition Regular $395.09 $300.00 Ends in 17:50:12 Plateau Revised Edition Regular $344.61 $235.00 Ends in 17:50:17 Bayou Revised Edition Regular $395.09 $300.00 Ends in 17:50:18 : Gray Merchant Of Asphodel Tsr/foil/timeshifted $76.03 $44.99 Ends in 17:52:47Giada...
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$799. Things appear more stark over at TCGPlayer where, for instance,Tropical Island costs $335if you want a Revised copy from 1994, but $999 if you want aretro frame 30th Anniversary editionfrom 2022. This seems pretty staggering, given that the 30th Anniversary cards all come with non-st...
6TH EDITION LAND Adarkar Wastes 7TH EDITION LAND Adarkar Wastes 9TH EDITION LAND Adarkar Wastes Coldsnap BLUE Adarkar Windform Worldwake WHITE Admonition Angel ICONIC MASTERS GREEN Aerial Predation CORE 2020 BLUE Aether Gust Conspiracy: COLORLESS Aether Searcher Darksteel BLACK Aether Snap ...
Best buylist: Card Kingdom ($540.00) (Graph results are limited by your Preferences)All Printings of This Card 4th_Edition Price: $1.02 Change: +0.00 5th_Edition Price: $0.24 Change: +0.00 Alpha Price: $1755.39 Change: +0.00 Anthologies Price: $0.21 Change: +0.00 Beta Price: $186.21...
Price will continue to go up until the next reprint. Last reprint was 10th edition, so it has been quite a while since Piper has had a reprint. Maybe the next commander set? Voidslime Yes Only one regular reprinting (Champs was full art). Like Glimpse the Unthinkable its a popular casu...
Revised Edition, code named “Edgar”, which has since come to be known as Summer Magic because it was printed in the summer of 1994. The cards were distributed in regular Revised Edition boosters… Hurricane was printed as a blue card and thereby became the most famous and most desired ...
There was a run on the judge foil Command Towers this week, and I managed to snag a copy before the price spikes. I also managed to snag a few additional copies of the IDW promos via back issues at my local comic shop. On the sales side, a pretty quiet week, but I did sell into...