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However, following that event, Mono-White has slowly and steadily climbed back up the Rankings to become a major part of the Standard metagame. It's strong against midrange decks, and has many great tools against red aggro. Among these anti-creature measures are Lay Down ...
Being stuck in mono-red is a little limiting for a Dragon, though. #26 Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate (NEW) Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate is a three-mana Black and Red 2/2 with first strike, and it gets a +1/+1 counter on it whenever it attacks. On top of that, you...
Even though the deck has access to an infinite damage combo, you can very consistently win without it due to the sheer amount of card advantage that Yawgmoth, Thran Physician produces either by building a wide board and then casting Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, or with combinations such as ...
Attention! While all of these decks are Mono-Red, each provides you with a different route to victory. Unfortunately it requires you sell your soul for the turn one win. untap Griselbrand, pay 7 life to draw 7 more cards. Board & Card Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site...
Deck: Mono-Green Devotion Polukranos Reborn| Illustration by David Auden Nash Planeswalker (8) Karn, the Great Creatorx4 Kiora, Behemoth Beckonerx4 Creature (22) Cavalier of Thornsx3 Elder Gargaroth Elvish Mysticx3 Fanatic of Rhonasx2
Mono-White Devotion Soldier of the Pantheon ($0.50) –Potential evasion & Lifegain to avoid force-blocking Knight of the White Orchid ($3) – Increasing or quickly recovering devotion while continuing to curve out. Heliod, God of the Sun ($2) –Easier to turn on with Origins printing Knigh...
s Ascension as the backup kill plan. The mono-red version of Phoenix now has access to Lava Dart, each copy of which now represents two spells toward your goal. They also run 3-4 copies each of Desperate Ritual, Gut Shot, Manamorphose, Faithless Looting and a couple of Tormenting Voice...
This mono-red commander can cause a steady stream of Goblins to enter your board while also pinging your opponents to death whenever a Goblin dies. When Pashalik Mons or another Goblin dies, you get to deal one damage to a creature or a player, letting your little Goblins get one last ...
Another option RE Spellbomb is that I have seen some old, old Bomberman lists that ran a 1-of Cunning Wish in the maindeck as a "immediate" win condition -- the Bomberman combo generates infinite storm as a natural result of the combo, and then as you draw your deck you draw into ...