White(W)= 白色 Blue(U)= 蓝色 Red(R)= 红色 Black(B)= 黑色 Green(G)= 绿色 Land = 地 Creature = 生物 Sorcery = 法术 Instant = 瞬间 Artifact = 神器 Enchantment = 结界 Planeswalker = 鹏洛客 Token = 衍生物 Legendary = 传奇 Deck = 套牌 Spell = 咒语 Permanents = 永久物 Mana = 法术...
Great fun with Blue for Counters, and White for lots of aggressive plays. Green: Nature and Serenity. Elves, Beasts of Nature, forces of the woodlands. Many of the creatures in Green are massive, but high cost. Green has lots of ways to ramp lands onto the board and card draw. Red ...
将所有牌的各色献分别汇总后,即可得你的限制套牌的颜色比例。五种颜色的简称:白色-White-W蓝色-blUe-U黑色-Black-B红色-Red-R绿色-Green-G 9楼2020-01-07 15:41 回复 EV_Toxic 正式会员 4 限制炸弹指的是限制赛中强力的,逆风能翻,顺风能斩的咒语,例如镇楼图大天使艾维欣,例如撼世妮莎等。这类单...
Green is a punchy color that uses Toxic to give the opponent poison counters. From there, Green decks can gain additional effects through Corrupted or hunt the alternative win condition of giving the opponent 10 poison counters. It also can just opt to beat the opponent by swinging in with h...
Using the graveyard through Delirium to fuel powerful creatures is the GR Duskmourn Draft archetype. The signpost is Wildfire Wickerfolk, which is one of the better Red/Green signpost cards we’ve seen from recentMTGsets. The two-drop has Haste and good stats, hitting early or defending ...
Main deckSideboard Candles' Glow • Period From To 2 decks matching DeckPlayerFormatEventLevelRankDate Green / White / Splash BlueFrank KarstenLimitedPro Tour Nagoya 20055-830/01/05 Red / WhiteMasashiro KurodaLimitedPro Tour Nagoya 20055-830/01/05...
Of all theMTG colors, blue has the most mill cards, and its best cards pair well with a control deck. However, other colors can get in on the action too. You won’t see much milling going on in white MTG decks, but black, green, and occasionally red see a mill card or two. ...
5 different themes (White, Blue, Black, Red, Green) one for each color of magic. Starting life total, 20 or 30 for two headed giant Set round time length and number of turns allowed after time expires Turn poison and commander damage on or off ...
Tyranid Swarm(Green, Red, Blue) Forces of the Imperium(White, Blue, Black) The Ruinous Powers(Blue, Black, Red) Necron Dynasties(Black) On August 18, the first artwork from each faction was shown. We saw the fourcommanders: Szarek The Silent King, Inquisitor Grayfax, Abbadon the Despoiler...
Continuing the Series of Magic card types, today we'll look at enchantments. Check out how their cycles, types and supertypes work! Magic: the Gathering MTG