Collectors, traders, and competitive players all have different reasons to enjoy Magic, yet one similarity is that we all like to take care of our collections. One of the best ways toprotect your collection and show it off at the same timeis a binder, and believe me when I say that you...
We love it when the community contributes back to the project! If you'd like to help improve our data for the hundreds of projects and stores we support, do reach out via Discord! Connect With Us The team stays in contact via Discord. The server is open to the public and is a great...
Help me brainstorm. I’m looking for a word to describe my protagonist. They’re an adventurer in my fantasy story. They do a lot of brave things, placing their community and the small folk above themself, above their own safety. I’m looking for an adjective to describe my hero’s d...
Of course, Magic’s community is much more connected and communicative than it was back then, so these incongruencies are likely to be solved, but it is an interesting quirk to the current system. Let me know what you think about this- is Esper Dragons just bad, or is it yet to be...
Interested in making and saving money while playing and collecting Magic the Gathering? Sign up now for MTGPrice Pro Trader to get all the best in MTGFinance articles, early MTGFastFinance Podcast access, price leading group buys and the best damn Magic community on the planet. ...
The school also became a closer community. The reading buddies felt more connected as they often met each other. The students were always excited when they saw their buddies pass by in the hallway. Now summer vacation is coming. It'...
the film is a technical marvel in which every frame sparkles with a seemingly infinite array of tiny details. its heroine belle is a japanese schoolgirl who is too shy to sing in real life, but becomes a world-famous pop star in a virtual-reality ...
translate that into smart actions at their local gaming stores before the new issues came out the following month. It also tended to result in highly specialized local economies, with card pricing varying oddly from community to community based on local play styles, format focuses and house rules...
and I certainly don’t condone some of the vitriol the Internet has spewed at him. I also think he’s dead-on when he says these things have been going on for a long time by many parties — many of them large stores the community interacts with regularly — but are only now coming ...
Inclusion in the MTG Salvation CommunitybybobthefunnyJun 27, 2020 Market Street Café RulesbyRai KerenskyNov 30, 2015 ForumLatest PostThreadsPosts Store Discussion Discuss online and offline stores here. StarCityGames Discussion ... byBupinder ...