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Magic: The Gathering, MTG, mtg singles, edh, magic cards, lorcana, flesh and blood, sell magic the gathering, wizard of the coast... all the MTG cards you need at Star City Games.
The best Magic: The Gathering decks in the metagame for the Alchemy format, for both best of one (Bo1) and best of three (Bo3). Our metagame data is provided by (for MTG Arena) and MTG Meta (tournaments), and the tier list and rankings are carefully curated based on ...
Taunt from the Rampartis a card you play when you just want to count life totals and eliminate players because I can put this another way. Aggro player, would you pay five mana for all your creatures to beunblockablefor a turn, with the upside of your opponent's creatures also attacking...
Card NamePrice RangeEDHREC decks Secluded GlenBulk to $4018,000 Wanderwine Hub$1 to $132200 Ancient Amphitheater50¢ to $55000 Auntie’s Hovel$6 to $133700 Gilt-Leaf Palace$4 to $3515,000 These haven’t seen a lot of reprint efforts. There’s a List copy here and there, and an oc...
Buy on TCGplayer $2043.22 Buy on Card Kingdom $677.55 Timeless best of 1 12 mythic 25 rare 12 uncommon 11 common 0 1 2 3 4 5 6+ Generate hand save deck (mtgo/arena) copy to clipboard (arena) Visual view Copy URL Companion 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den $1.29 Creatures (20)...
I like the card as a very flexible sorcery, with the potential to get very good in Modern. It’s also got a lot of potential as a casual card with a very low buy-in, and you can go after foils if you’re feeling it. Thought-Knot Seer ($7), Reality Smasher ($4): So these ...
Sell your games at We buy MTG, Pokemon, Yugioh, Miniatures, and many more. Earn 25% extra for your order by selling your games for Web Credit!
When a card refers to itself by name it’s really just saying “me” or “this exact card,” not cards with that name. The Comprehensive Rules also say: … text that refers to the object it’s on by name means just that particular object and not any other objects with that name. ...
Buy on CardKingdomBuy on TCGplayer$34.99Buy on Cardmarket Please consider supporting us to remove ads for only $4.25/month. Data All Time Low $34.99 Nov 26, 2024 All Time High $79.99 May 14, 2023 Reserved list? No Other sets This is the only printing of the card ...