Moxfield is a modern mtg deck builder. You can view your Magic decks the way you want: text or images, light mode or dark mode, or sorted by name or price.
Some card prices and other card data are provided by Scryfall. Scryfall makes no guarantee about its price information and recommends you see stores for final prices and details. DiscordFacebookTwitterInstagramThreadsBlueskyRedditPatreon © 2025 Moxfield LLC·Terms of Service·Privacy Policy·Affiliate...
His original card's flavor text "(Z->)90° - (E-N²W)90°t=1" is very well known, and has led to multiple interpretations; one such is that it reads "Niv-Mizzet = 1", as when one turns the symbols in the parenthesis 90 degrees, it reads "(NIV)-(MIZZE)t=1", a ...
Prerelease: a stamped card that can be any rare or mythic rare of Dominaria United.Other events: cards from the Dominaria United universal promo pack. The seasonal dark-frame promos are: Resolute Reinforcements, Micromancer, Cut Down, Lightning Strike and Nishoba Brawler...
If there is enough demand for a card when it is reprinted, like Tarmogoyf and Dark Confidant when Modern was being pushed upon the Magic community, the market can respond in a frenzied way by spiking the price because of increased demand. Mutavault is a more recent example of this, where ...
Collective Defiance is a great card, can pick off a dude, and if your hands bad, just discard and draw some new cards, I've also enjoyed just dealing damage to an opponent, or redirecting to a planeswalker, which tends to be the biggest threat to this deck. Now for the cream of ...
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Deck Builder's Toolkit Mythic Edition Planeswalker decks War of the Spark Mythic Edition Planeswalker decks Trivia Ravnica Remastered Murders at Karlov Manor Alchemy: Karlov Manor Related games D&D Icons of the Realms: Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica ...
Savra vod Savo was the matka (high priestess) of the Golgari Devkarin elves, to whom she was the leader for two hundred years.[1] Savra was born in the Ravnican Undercity to elves, and was the sister of Golgari guild leader Jarad. Savra was a consummate