Wizards showed us the goad way with Nelly's commander precon, the most aptly named Blame Game. This is a great opportunity to show off theupgrades that keep Blame Game instigating, so the decklist above is the preconwithAndrew's upgrades. It is quite the celebration of goad. That’s Go...
Basically any 4-color deck is good but Yidris had Burgeoning and Vial-Smasher and Thrasios and all kinds of other value-laden cards. A card in a precon that just sold for $80 on eBay might as well not have gotten reprinted. Waste Not is a $10 card that doesn’t know it’s $10...
The deck can lean on Sarkhan Unbroken, Hour of Need and Stormbreath as backup plans and just play a more midrange game if the pieces aren’t drawn fast enough. I predict that the deck in some form hits at least Tier 2 in Standard, and an on camera appearance should be enough to ...
The data in this column varies depending on what kind of item the row represents: Cards: A number indicating how many of a particular card a player already owns Preconstructed decks: A "YES" or "NO" indicating whether the deck exists in the player's deck list Booster/fat packs: A ...