The best MTG Arena Best of One Standard (Bo1) decks in our meta tier list comes with the latest up to date decklists.
The best Magic: The Gathering decks in the metagame for the Standard format, for both Best of One (Bo1) and Best of Three (Bo3). Our metagame data is provided by (for MTG Arena) and MTG Meta (tournaments), and the tier list and rankings are carefully curated based on...
除MO之外,就是我们今天介绍的主角,发行于2018年的Magic The Gathering Arena,简称MTGA或MA,现已登陆steam平台,国内玩家可以通过跨区入库来获取。和MO相比,MTGA更接近一款卡牌游戏,可以免费进行天梯对战,免费进行卡牌收集,有丰富的界面和功能等。不过作为一款游戏,MTGA在牌池上相较MO有较多缺失。目前万智牌的线下赛制,... so this is what you do if you want to play the best and most fun planeslwaker deck ever its amazing and cool kinda. we have lifegain healing power and card draw and a bunch of aoe...
What Is Standard BO1 on MTG Arena? Some modes let you hit the toggle to slide over to the traditional best-of-3 match queue. On MTG Arena, best-of-one (or BO1 for short) formats are very popular, as opposed to the traditional best-of-three format that is commonplace in live events...
MTG Standard banlist Leyline of Resonance (Arena BO1 only) MTG Modern banlist Amped Raptor Ancient Den Arcum’s Astrolabe Birthing Pod Blazing Shoal Bridge From Below Chrome Mox Cloudpost Dark Depths Deathrite Shaman Dig Through Time Dread Return ...
MONO RED DMU BO1 Standard.Mythic With Mono White (BO1). This was the smoothest run to Mythic that I have had this entire year. I highly recommend this build of Mono White for Arena Best of One.First Post Since March 2021: Mono White BO1, Salty De Vito, & Jonathan Clegg Music (...
我在MTGgoldfish上找了一些standard metagame名列下的卡组(这名单下应该是一些能用于冲分的强度卡组吧),无奈大部分卡组都太昂贵,合不起,暂时只找到了这一套叫Izzet tempo的卡组,能负担起合成费用。尽管如此,要合成这套卡组剩下的卡也要大放血。(合成缺的卡要8金22银10铁,手上只有4橙10金26银25铁的万用卡)...
A few standard decks I checked out this week were: Main focus this week was Arena Open!Day 1&Day 2 Standard 2022 decks for your consumption:Izzet Dragons&4C Ramp Historic showcases:Mono Black Aggro&Jeskai Control Community Appreciation with Matches. You can check it out here onTwitchorY...
Magic: The Gathering Arena, also called MTG Arena, Magic Arena, and MTGA, is a digital Magic: The Gathering game, created under the umbrella of Magic Digital Next by the Digital Games Studio of Wizards of the Coast. Though it was stated that it was not c