One, it gives all of your rats a sort of built in card advantage since you can eventually replace them by casting the Think Twice, and two, this is going to really quickly enable Threshold, as all of your rats put a card into the graveyard, quickly turning on the activated ability and...
Multicolor Limited bombs inMagicoften synergize with a two-color archetype, increasing their value within a Limited Draft while pushing you toward that two-color archetype. Splashing a multicolor is possible depending on the mana pips and your overall strategy. Here are my favorite multicolorMKMbombs...
Faith’s Fetters is the archetypal removal with upside. It beats out Pacifism because although it costs 2 mana extra, the lifegain and the ability to shut down activated abilities are absolutely worth the premium. I’ve always had faith in this card, and in this format it feels like white...
Third down the list, being played in 31% of the decks counted, Lightning Greaves is a staple in Commander decks built around a Commander that attacks, have an activated ability that requires tapping or is a combo piece. Verdict: I do not like like Lightning Greaves as a spec or acquisitio...
Blight Pile () Coral Colony () Two uncommon creatures with defender and an activated ability related to the number of creatures with defender. Knight of Dawn’s Light () Knight of Dusk’s Shadow () Two uncommon Human Knights with an evergreen keyword, an ability that impacts life gain an...
There aren't a lot of cards that offer an "untap all creatures" effect like this, and if you fill your deck with artifact creatures with activated abilities (think Hangarback Walker, Chronomancer or the mighty Steel Overseer), Lita is going to provide you with lot of...
Hordechief’s activated ability not only allows you to alpha strike the snot out of your opponent’s face, but in situations where you can’t kill them outright, it means that you can attack with impunity. Just make sure nothing blocks Hordechief and you get to do it again next turn. ...
- Select abilities using context menu - Instead of displaying a dialog to select abilities, you'll now get a context menu when left or right clicking cards with multiple ability choices. Each ability will have a keyboard shortcut of 1-9 based on order. Unplayable activated abilities will ...
Peacemaking can be presented by prohibiting attacking/blocking, locking down activated abilities, and converting hostility to peace. Examples: Pacifism, Recumbent Bliss, Arrest, Condemn, Swords to Plowshares, Peacekeeper.Combat superiority: Ultimately, White wants to create peace. It has no interest in...
Innistrad: Crimson Vow Instant-Speed Tricks This is a list of all the instant-speed tricks inInnistrad: Crimson Vow. Each color is sorted by converted mana cost.