一位原【资料删除】在unit3中秘密建立了MTF69-02,为了在任何小于YK 分享5赞 creepypasta吧 PizzaHut试纸 【翻译】Sally和她的小伙伴们首先感谢 @紫藤花的魔力 找到的资料。 因为这个比较短就先翻了,Sally的正篇故事还在翻译中。 因为鸟语能力有限,所以有错误的话请不用客气的指出 转帖随意,标明出处就可以了 ...
Similarly, cohesion varies from unit to unit. The personnel of some mobile contingents may have trained and worked together for many years or even decades, while the personnel of a contingent formed to deal with a particular incident may not know each other well except by name and profession....
Just a little goofy i did reguarding the O5-Council’s Personal Mobile Task Force Unit! I think it tunred out pretty well! i have another one cooking, its a little bit more heavier and beefy! if you want more models join the halo archive, the best place for Non profit wor...