I特遣队(Iota-10):常被称为“不可触摸("Damn Feds")”,I特遣队是一个涉及到联邦政府和法律问题的部队,负责处理与SCP项目有关的法律和行政事务。Alpha-9:Alpha-9是一个执行高风险任务的MTF,成员具有多样化的技能和经验,通常被派遣执行特别困难或高度危险的任务。Omega-7:Omega-7是一个有争议的特遣队,...
MTF-Iota-4 “猎梦人” "Dream Hunters" MTF-Iota-5 “虎饵” "Tiger Bait" MTF-Iota-10 “该死的联邦探员” "Damn Feds" MTF-Kappa-6 “天使之眼” "Angel Eyes" MRF-Kappa-42 “幸运七” "Lucky Seven" MTF-Lambda-2 “Clef博士的性感全女...
Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds":指定用于拦截有关SCP的报告和中断当地执法部门有关SCP的调查。 Reconnaissance Force Kappa-6 "Angel Eyes":环绕SCP-438组建,被指定用于和基金会有关的各种间谍项目。当前正和机动特遣队Delta-5一起追踪和回收潜在的SCP物品。Mobile Task Force Kappa-42 "Lucky Seven" :三人失踪,推定...
Iota-10(“Damn Feds”) Task force: the mobile task force iota-10 has a large number of potential operators in various international, federal and regional legal departments and agencies. It is good at helping and transferring an evidence and project into the control of the foundation and transfe...