MTAR最大伤害的射程较近,仅约16米。是所有自动突击步枪中,3枪毙命射程最短的一把。 好在MTAR是所有能做到3枪毙命的自动突击步枪中,射速表现最好的。虽然默认750发/分钟的射速表现看起来中规中矩,但是结合近距离3枪死的能力来看,毙敌效率很高。即便距离拉远,4枪毙命的TTK也不错。 MTAR的后坐力较为舒适...
Every project are Mass Effect, but I'm create model for Call of Duty guy and now is MTAR-21 from Calldustri. MTAR-21 is small TAR-21 variants that I'm replaced to Uzi SMG, but not modified as Assault Rifle like Honey Badger. - Added HUD Icon - Animation are same TAR-21 Tagged...
Duty on/off rush-hour running mode:IT satisfies the running requirements in the rush hours of duty on/off the public occasions in the office and etc, Even operationn mode:It adopts the minimized waiting period dstribution principle with the prompt and reasonable elevator respo...
MTAR-X冲锋枪,多人模式中需要9点点数进行解锁。 MTAR-X的威力表现在近距离来看一般,而在远距离伤害是所有冲锋枪中最高的,甚至高于部分突击步枪。远距离交火时可以做到4枪毙命,远好于其他冲锋枪的远距离打击能力。爆头加成为1.3倍,可以在近距离通过连续两枪命中头部做到2枪毙命。 但是作为一把冲锋枪而言,最大伤害...