Simply create a trendline on a chart and once selected, it will get converted. Ray remains horizontal while dragging. Quick ray plot: press "R" key to create horizontal ray. It will be snapped to the nearest OHLC value Further versions will be improved. For feature request please post new...
Additional materials and instructions Installation instructions - Application instructions - Trial version of the application for a demo account Line function - shows on the chart the Opening line, Stop Loss, Take Profit. With this function it is easy to set a new order and see its additional ...
You can also switch this by pressing the o key on your keyboard. Hide/show lines button to quickly switch the display of the Entry, Take-profit, and Stop-loss lines on the chart. You can also switch this by pressing the h key on your keyboard. Commission size per lot (one-way) —...
However, if you have been using MT4 for some time, your version is probably heavily customised. Algos built for MT4 will not function in MT5 or cTrader, so any customisations you have made will be lost. MT4 will eventually be replaced, but its popularity means that it will probably not ...
show/hide button. Similarly to scripts, the recalculate function is also available for the button: if you scroll back the chart (auto-scroll must be disabled in MT4/MT5) and press the show button, the indicator will draw past all trendlines or SR lines until the last visible candle.More ...
If you’re looking for more technical indicators on your chart, you don’t have to exit MT4 before you find them. MT4 has a built-in market where you can purchase more than 1,700 trading robots and Expert Advisors. You can also add to your indicators arsenal with the over 2100 technica...
the specified grid parameter preset (lot multiplier, step, maximum number of position) starts the “grid.” This function can be used for each every opened position, so you may drag TakeProfit(TP) and StopLoss(SL) lines, the TrailingStop function is also fully working with the grid ...
This function is for interpolating these. More info... Show indicator levels: enable/disable visualization of the levels on the indicator window. Adjust high/low level of MFI: you can set the indicator's levels Show middle level: enable/disable middle level showing. The middle level is ...
This function is for interpolating these. More info... Show indicator levels: enable/disable visualization of the levels on the indicator window. Adjust a level of OSMA: you can set the indicator's levels Draw divergences on line chart: switch the indicator to draw divergence lines on the ...
The SPD function is implemented using a 2,048-bit EEPROM. This nonvolatile storage device contains 256 bytes. The first 128 bytes can be programmed by Micron to identify the module type and various DRAM organizations and timing parameters. The remaining 128 bytes of storage are available for ...