"recentchanges-label-plusminus": "Id-daqs tal-paġna nbidel b'dan in-numru ta' bytes", "recentchanges-legend-heading": "Leġenda:", "recentchanges-legend-newpage": "{{int:recentchanges-label-newpage}} (ara wkoll il-[[Special:NewPages|lista tal-paġni l-ġodda]])"...
The carbon cycle of a lake is a balance between supply from the atmosphere and catchment, and the net demand exerted by primary producers, minus losses back to the atmosphere and to sediment storage. Evaluating the sum of these processes and reconstructing them from sediment records of lake hist...
we highly appreciated the garage. It is located in the same building at minus three and is directly accessible by elevator. Directly nearby there is a large supermarket (accessible by elevator opposite the apartment building)...
Summary. The 11-yr solar cycle term in sea-level is further elucidated by single-and two-channel high resolution signal processing techniques applied to 37 European height H of sea-level records. In agreement with earlier analysis the period and amplitude are 10.6 ± 0.3 yr and 10.3 ± 4.8 ...
克劳迪娅·马丁尼饰: Anna Mazinger,1 episode, 1998, Heinz Marecek饰: Rudi Aschenbrenner,14 episodes, 1998-1999, 阿克塞尔·米尔伯格饰: Bruder Germinus,1 episode, 1998, 约翰内斯·西尔贝施奈德 饰: Karl Kampeiner,1 episode, 1998, 亚历山大·斯特罗贝勒饰: Axel Thorwald,1 episode, 1998, 蒂埃里·范·...
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