德国柏林,2023年4月3日——世界领先的录音棚设备制造商诺音曼 (Neumann) 宣布推出其首款音频接口MT 48。该产品的加入,是诺音曼近百年历史上的又一里程碑,它将诺音曼的产品品类从麦克风、音箱及耳机,拓展到了重要的数字领域,实现了从输入到输出的全链路参考级诺音曼品质。MT 48音频接口是第一款与Merging Technologies...
this first MT-G to offer Smartphone Link as well as Multiband 6 radio-controlled, solar-powered timekeeping achieves innovative downsizing at the same time. The Metal-Twisted G-SHOCK takes another step forward on its evolutionary journey.
MT-Propeller Entwicklung GmbH has also received the FAA TCDS P16BO for the MTV-21, a 2-blade variable pitch constant speed propeller with hydraulic pitch change mechanism. With a wheigt of approx. 10 kg (22 lbs) to 13,5 kg (29,8 lbs) depending on the propeller configuration, the MTV...
MT 48音频接口是第一款与Merging Technologies携手打造的产品。瑞士品牌Merging Technologies在高品质AD/DA...
TLM 102 Small size – big sound: Neumann’s most affordable large diaphragm microphone TLM 102 KH 750 DSP Compact DSP-controlled closed cabinet subwoofer KH 750 DSP U 87 Ai The ultimate studio standard all over the world. For 50 years!
MT 48音频接口是第一款与Merging Technologies携手打造的产品。瑞士品牌Merging Technologies在高品质AD/DA转换和网络音频方面的专业实力久负盛名。如今,在备受欢迎的Merging Anubis音频接口的基础上,MT 48额外配置了USB和ADAT接口,以及全新的用户交互屏,大幅提升了在录音棚及家庭录音室等场景中的易用性。MT 48拥有高达...
Haematologic Technologies,Haematologic Technologies Inc,immunodx ,Immunostep,ImmunoVision ,innovagen,iris-biotech,jackson抗体,LSBIO,macrocyclics,medkoo biosciences,Percipio Biosciences ,PhosphoSolution,TLC标准品,atcc菌种,atcc菌株,CIL标准品,Coriell,D-Luciferin,gibco公司,gibco培养基,gibco胎牛血清,goldbio,IBL,NEB...
Lucy Software and Services GmbH SDL Plc Tencent Cloudwords Inc Venga Global Asia Online Pte Ltd (Omniscien Technologies) Baidu Lingo24 Ltd Lionbridge Technologies Inc Pangeanic TransPerfect 产品种类细分: 其他 基于规则的机器翻译(RBMT) 统计机器翻译(SMT) ...
Advanced Test Technologies. Live and on site. We are looking forward to presenting our advanced test solutions to you in-house. We are completely focussed on your test scenarios and goals. Please indicate your desired test methods below so we can give you advance information. Fields with * ...
“MT 48标志着诺音曼向前迈出了重要一步,通过将Merging Technologies在AD/DA转换和数字音频方面的专业能力与诺音曼在麦克风和监听方面的深厚知识相结合,我们创造了一款在音质、功能和易用性上都表现卓越的产品。” 诺音曼首席执行官Ralf Oehl表示: “作为一家传奇的麦克风制造商,诺音曼一直是卓越录音技术的代名词。过去的...