ProxiVmoaltaetialned ultFimixaetedaCnalrybsoisnof theTMotSaWl S(auilrfdurried baHsiys,d%ro).gen Calorific Value 1 No. 21 32 M3.o6i2sture 3.539.62 3.638.59 5A5.s6h2 5545..6632 5554..4663 Vol2a9t.i6le4 292.694.72 292.782.82 Fixed C1a1r.b1o2n 11.1122.06 12.0162.04 Total Sul0...
Two types of techniques and catalysts can be applied, which are described elsewhere [30]. Primary methods attempt to clean gas inside the gasifier using dolomite, olivine or Ni/Al2O3, which are called a primary catalyst. The second technique is known as hot gas cleaning after gasifier using...